If you suspect you have a wasps nest do not attempt to treat or remove it. Wasp are extremely dangerous & multiple stings can be very serious to your health.
Nests are relatively easy to locate, due to the amount of wasps entering the same area, ie, a hole in a wall, an air brick or under roof tiles.
There are different methods of treatment depending on the location, size and access to the nest. Insecticide powder to the point of entry is the most common and safest method and usually the nest is dead within 48 hours, other methods are available should instant removal be required.
Pest Category: Flying Insect
A wasp is any insect of the order Hymenoptera and suborder Apocrita that is neither a bee nor an ant. The Apocrita have a common evolutionary ancestor and form a clade; wasps as a group do not form a clade, but are paraphyletic with respect to bees and ants.